Baba Vanga's prediction is what is going to happen next

This is what is going to happen now .. no one can stop it .. that day predicted "Baba Vanga" ... sudden information

Baba vanga

Chennai: One of the things that Baba Vanga, who is blind, has already predicted has shocked the world. It is about the locust. Baba Vanga is from Bulgaria. He is also blind.

As soon as he lost his sight at the age of 12, he began to predict important events that could happen in the world.


He has predicted more than 100 different pieces of information in the last 50 years. Eighty-five percent of what he said has come true. He had already said that there would be an air strike on the Twin Towers in the United States, as happened in September 2011.


He had said that only a black person would become the 44th President of the United States. That is how Obama came and took office. He predicted that the terrorist movement would gain strength and that the UK would withdraw from Europe. Following this, the Syrian president predicted that he would launch a chemical attack on his own citizens

Water famine

He predicted that there would be a water famine in the world and that the use of digital devices would confuse the people of the world with reality and fantasy.

Ukraine war

Similarly, he said that in 2021 the world will see some catastrophe .. Corona infection has come accordingly .. As many of the things he said have happened, many people are expecting about his prediction. Now that Russia has launched a terrorist attack on Ukraine, one of Baba Wanga's predictions has gone viral again.

Viral News

Baba Vanga told writer Valentine Sidoro: 'Everything will melt, like ice, only one untouched .. that is the glory of Vladimir .. the glory of Russia .. no one can stop it (Russia) .. Russia will become the ruler of the world. This prediction of the native is now going viral. Also, since Putin became Russia's interim president in December 1999, he has dominated Russian politics and played a key role in world affairs.


Now there is another panic for the people .. Aliens are coming to the earth in 2022 .. Baba Vanga predicts a large scale tsunami and earthquake in many countries .. Baba Vanga has predicted another thing that will threaten the world.


Baba Vanga has already written in his forecast what will happen in 2022. According to him, the temperature in India will rise to 50 degrees Celsius by 2022. He said that due to the high temperature in many countries including India, locusts are likely to strike again and so all the crops will be destroyed and famine will strike.

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