Karnataka High Court issues interim order banning both hijab and saffron dress in educational institutions
Ban Hijab |
Bangalore: The Karnataka High Court has issued a landmark order in the ongoing tensions over the hijab issue.
Various colleges in the neighboring state of Karnataka have been protesting against the wearing of hijab by Muslim students.
Especially in Udupi, Mangalore, Chikmagalur and Sivamokkam districts, the issue of hijab is taking shape.
Many few colleges in the state of Karnataka are banned from wearing the hijab. Islamic women are fighting against this. Some college administrations refused to allow the Islamist women who had initially protested. Later, they were allowed inside but did not sit alone and did not conduct their lessons. This caused a great deal of controversy.
Muslim women in particular protested against wearing the hijab, and some students wore khawi shawls. Also, the tension escalated as some Hindu students wore saffron colored towels. The issues that have been going on in the state of Karnataka for the last few days regarding this hijab issue are all in a state of shock.
Following this, a case was filed in the Karnataka High Court. The case was heard before a three-judge bench headed by the Chief Justice of the Karnataka High Court. Meanwhile, a petition was filed seeking that the case be heard by the Supreme Court. However, the apex court said that the matter should be heard by the high court first.
In this context, the Karnataka High Court today issued an interim order in the case. That is, an interim order has been issued that educational institutions should not wear anything like hijab or saffron dress. Further, it has been stated that students should wear only the uniform till the order is issued as the case is in the court.
Colleges there were closed amid continuing tensions over the hijab issue. In this context, the Karnataka High Court has ordered the opening of schools and colleges. Also, the trial of the case seeking permission for the hijab has been adjourned to Monday.Colleges there were closed amid continuing tensions over the hijab issue. The Karnataka High Court has also ordered the reopening of schools and colleges in the area.