Sexual intercourse and explained

Sexual intercourse and explained

Sexual intercourse must be emotional with male-female desire. It is very important that both options are in it. Here are some tips on how to get a man and a woman involved in the initial attraction process. It is very important for the husband and wife to get the initial attraction before having sex. 

Sexual intercourse

The reason is that initial attraction can change a person's mood. Early attraction helps to improve the mood even if one is not sexually aroused. Early attraction activities help to increase sexual power between the two. Sexual attraction and dizziness are an important part of arousal. Motivating women is an art. It gives sexual pleasure when men do it effectively. You need to understand how to touch a woman, how to understand what she wants. This understanding is one of the most essential for a male.

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Praise your partner before you approach him. You can admire his beauty. You can approach him with a small smile. You can get involved in things like your eyes and ears are all beautiful.

Make eye contact

Looking into a woman's eyes and talking can give her a lot of involvement. You can make a constant eye contact when she speaks to you. So eye contact is very important in the medium.

Try to get closer to her
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If you want to impress a woman, the first thing you need to do is get to know her better. Do this without scaring her. Your intimacy should be such that it does not cause boredom.

Show a pleasant gesture

Gently and gently rub your fingers behind her neck and ear. This will help reduce your stress. Gently kiss her and hug her. It is important to show her that you are not afraid.



A man can express his love by kissing a woman. He will make you feel better only if you keep kissing him.

Formation of emotional attachment

Sex is not just a physical thing. It’s also an emotional thing. In fact no woman can have sex without being emotional. Sex is the most emotional act for women. You need to connect with her emotionally if you want to impress her. You need to connect her with you on an emotional level. If you do not do that you will never be able to attract her.

It is very important to focus on her body language. It is very easy to know whether a woman is interested in you or not. So you have to focus on her body language. So act accordingly to her signal.

Body language

Talk to her Converse and give her space for herself. Give her love.

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